The Road to Now: Automating critical healthcare processes in the age of Covid-19

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In the year the world turned to tech, we helped healthcare organizations keep it human. Check how!

The road to now has not been easy, but in the face of multiple lockdowns, changes to regulations, and immense hardship, healthcare organizations across the world have kept us moving forward. Blue Prism has been honored to support the staff and processes that made this possible - putting automation to work where it really counts. 

From enabling remote consultations, to ordering PPE and streamlining vaccine provision, digital workers have been side-by-side with healthcare professionals, looking after the repetitive, back-office processes that slow people down, letting them get back to the important stuff: caring for patients. 

We're thrilled to share the work we've done so far. 

Where could automation take you next?

If you'd like to learn more about the use cases discussed in this video, or would like to talk to a consultant about automation at your organisation, we'd love to hear from you.

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