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Blog | Mar 2, 2021

Benefits of Automation in Healthcare: Enhance Patient Experience

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When it comes to enhancing patient experience with healthcare automation, there are three key benefits for patient experience.

Patient Experience: 3 Benefits of Automation in Healthcare

Back-Office Automation in Healthcare

The back office: the powerhouse of patient processing. Your patients’ journey is underpinned by your ability to move data through your back office accurately and efficiently, from initial appointment, right through to discharge. But with legacy systems to contend with and often little to no native integration abilities, this is often easier said than done.

Luckily digital workers are on hand to assist your back office and administrative staff. Instead of having highly trained staff working tirelessly to move data from one system to another, why not rope in your digital colleagues to do the trick? Acting as the glue between systems, digital workers are able to access the same applications and systems as your human team, meaning they’re primed to take on those laborious – yet essential – data handling and migration tasks: freeing your team to handle the jobs that add real value to patient experience and use their uniquely human qualities. And while they’re doing that, you can be assured that patient data is being handled sensitively, without error, and in the most efficient way possible. Getting patients through your systems faster.

But don’t just take our word for it! Hear from some of our amazing customers:

We’ve taken a process that might take somebody 30-45 minutes to complete, down to one to two minutes – and it’s more accurate!”
Dr. Lloyd McCannHead of Digital Health, HHL
Intelligent automation will play a significant role in allowing clinicians to swiftly and accurately perform joined up, data-driven, end-to-end activities across disparate systems"
Patrick Highland, Systems Manager, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

Integrated Care Automation: Setting the Foundations for Integrated Care

As patients increasingly expect more joined-up and streamlined services from their care providers, the move to formalize integrated care systems across the world is gaining urgency. But as we enter this New Era of Integrated Care, there are huge challenges in delivering it effectively. It requires new mindsets, systems, processes, and leadership across the board.

One technology helping to deliver on these challenges is – you guessed it – intelligent automation.

In England, it is estimated that the healthcare system will need between 350,000 and 700,000 more workers by 2030, on top of the 1.58 million people that already work in the sector. Technology will be essential in enabling this, transforming employee recruitment and retention to ensure that providers have access to the highly skilled and engaged talent they need. They will also need digital platforms to improve employee experience and foster employee well-being.

In addition to more human resources, ICSs will also require stronger connections and interfaces between healthcare, social care, and housing to deliver joint services and enhance patient outcomes. Digital workers are already being put to work ensuring that healthcare stakeholders from across the patient journey have the information they need, when they need it, in order to make swift and informed decisions about their patient’s care. They’re also working to standardize processes and communications across the ICS, meaning that patients receive the same standard of care throughout their journey.

While the immediate effect of using this technology is improved experience for the individual employee or patient, long-term benefits include better insights into population health and well-being, enabling integrated care systems and the wider public sector to make informed decisions to improve the health outcomes for entire populations. The Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust is already making plans to use digital workers to gather useable data about outpatient clinics. 

Learn more in our recent report with HFMA

There's a level of expectation from patients who interact with a number of different other organizations outside of health and how that interaction is conducted, and I think the NHS is looking to catch up on that"
Marc Hadwin, Head of Digital Services, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay

Automation in Patient Care: Enabling Convenient Pathways 

Now, more than ever before, patients expect to be able to play an active role in their care and have visibility over what’s happening and when without having to rummage through a mound of paperwork. But traditional patient pathways don’t always offer flexibility and accessibility. Intelligent automation gives patients the ability to have more control over their care, in settings that work best for them. From enabling remote healthcare to providing alternative “digital front doors” to care, digital workers have got it covered.

Want to know where you can use automation? Read our RPA healthcare use cases blog.

We’ve enabled referrers and patients to book their scan or interventional service with us online. We’re actually the first radiology provider in New Zealand that offers a service like this…We see that digital health and digital technology has an impact on both the outcome we are able to deliver for a patient"
Dr. Lloyd McCann, CEO and Head of Digital Health, Mercy Radiology

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