Vision for Intelligent Automation in Telecoms

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Why Automation is essential for the future of the telecom industry

Now that 5G is a reality, the telecommunications industry has moved to centre stage in the development of a global digital economy. Products and services will be entirely digital and operate at scales that are orders of magnitude greater than today. This puts a heavy burden on the communication services providers and their performance in network services, customer service and satisfaction will not only be subject to much greater expectations but is also under pressure from new competitive forces. 

Traditional methods of customer interaction are being replaced by digital, omni-channel experiences. Successfully monetizing data will be key to unlocking major new sources of revenue. In this session, hear from our experts who will also discuss the need to liberate activity from the constraints of legacy infrastructures in order to provide a seamless digital experience for customers; all of which will become vital to handling the massive increase in data and device volumes that will be a consequence of 5G and IoT.

Key takeaways from this session:

  • Why automation is essential for 5G rollout 
  • The future of the telecom industry
  • Why Intelligent Automation and RPA is vital 
  • How automation can help with monetizing 5G
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