Building the future of telecommunications with Intelligent Automation

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Future of Telecommunications with Intelligent Automation

In this TM Forum session Jann Gorske explains how you can build the future of telecommunications with intelligent automation.

4 key areas that can be addressed using intelligent automation and RPA:

  1. Operationalize and Monetize 5G: Real-time operations and monetization functions to meet evolving needs
  2. Establish new revenue streams: Drive new multi-industry offerings for businesses and consumers
  3. Address MEC/IoT Solution Ecosystem: Automate and Monetize the growing opportunity from MEC/IoT
  4. Enhance the customer experience: Build your approach around the customer journey with personalization, transparency, and convenience

Learn More about Telecommunications Automation

Telecom operators are facing increasing challenges in the digital era. They must compete to offer affordable, uninterrupted and innovative services, while improving the overall customer experience. Read more in this section on how to stay competitive.

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