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Blog | Aug 31, 2023

Enterprise-Grade Generative AI for Intelligent Automation From AWS & SS&C Blue Prism

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Amid the hype around generative AI, few capable players stand out with a proven history of enterprise-grade solutions that can back up their lofty claims. With security, control and accuracy in mind, longtime partners AWS and SS&C Blue Prism are working together to develop AI automation solutions for customers. Secure and private intelligent automation that incorporates generative AI and other AI services is now available at the enterprise level.

SS&C Blue Prism, already connecting to over 250 AWS services, deepens its alignment with the Amazon Bedrock platform, AWS, and the Amazon SageMaker Jumpstart service, meaning the possibilities — from plug-and-play to tailored solutions — are only limited by your imagination.

What Can Customers Achieve with Generative AI?

Generative AI in intelligent automation applies to many existing co-created solutions where AWS and SS&C Blue Prism already lead the market. Here are a few generative AI use cases that stand out for their high impact:

  • Analyst and financial reporting — collating financial reports and creating analyst reports to support strategic decision-making.
  • Healthcare applications — patient notation and recording, and form filling to save time and increase efficiency.
  • ESG (environmental, social, governance) reporting — scope 1, 2 & 3 data collection and interpretation, enabling businesses to reduce their ESG impact through automation.
  • Contact center — multi-channel triage, including email, next best action, agent assistance, voice and text-to-speech assistance and chat automation. All designed to enhance the customer experience.

With this latest collaboration, generative AI raises the standard for contact center operations, further transforming how work gets done. Previously, agents relied on traditional rule-based systems to prioritize emails.

By leveraging AWS generative AI services, SS&C Blue Prism’s intelligent automation platform understands the context and sentiment of each email, ensuring that urgent messages are addressed promptly. For example, SS&C Blue Prism digital workers can take an incoming message — regardless of the format — and “call” AWS services to understand the meaning of the request. The digital worker will then decide what to do based on that context and execute accordingly, for example, by re-routing the request to the technical support team.

When it comes to multichannel integration, generative AI can seamlessly bridge communication across email, voice, chat, and other platforms, offering customers a consistent experience. This ensures the context is never lost when a customer switches from one channel to another.

Agent support tools also get an enormous boost from generative AI, which can act as a virtual assistant. The “agent assistant” provides real-time suggestions, drafts responses and can even automate responses to repeat questions. This not only reduces the response time but also ensures that the answers are consistent and accurate, enhancing the overall customer experience.

How Will the Collaboration Increase Customer Value Over Time?

The SS&C Blue Prism AI Labs team is developing generative AI solutions in close collaboration with the AWS team. In addition, SS&C Blue Prism partners continue to develop joint solutions based on their own industry expertise. This means that the leading providers of generative AI tools will integrate with enterprise-grade intelligent automation and that they’ll be implemented with the same rigor that customers expect.

Amazon Bedrock is an easy way for customers to build and scale generative AI-based applications using foundation models (FMs) — democratizing access for all builders. Our customers are driving innovation with Amazon Bedrock to create generative AI applications with FMs, including applications for self-service customer support, text analysis, report generation, post-call automation and forecasting trends.

SS&C Blue Prism plays a critical role in helping customers harness generative AI’s potential, moving it from the art of the possible to the practical. Through our co-selling program with AWS, SS&C Blue Prism customers can leverage AWS services from infrastructure all the way to the application layer.

Beyond cutting-edge off-the-shelf solutions, AWS and SS&C Blue Prism will also build more tailored solutions for clients, such as know your customer (KYC) processing for the finance industry. Between shared resources and shared partners, customers will be able to present their own challenges and rely on deep expertise from some of the world’s leading generative AI experts to engineer breakthrough solutions at speed.

How Can You Learn More about AWS & Blue Prism Generative AI?

This latest collaboration between AWS and SS&C Blue Prism is an exciting step in the progress of intelligent automation. Join us on Thursday, August 31, as we explore some of the most exciting ways you will be able to leverage generative AI in your enterprises. Register to attend the LinkedIn Live event and stay connected to the latest developments by clicking here.

Customers of SS&C Blue Prism are well-acquainted with advanced AI skills for intelligent automation, largely accessed on the SS&C | Blue Prism® Digital Exchange (DX). Visit to explore the hundreds of technologies, including AWS services, that move intelligent automation forward.

Download our generative AI whitepaper to learn more about how you can use this technology

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