
An Online Discussion Panel with Automation Leaders at A.S. Watson, ASB, Forrester and Fonterra (on-demand)

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The Automation Fabric is Your Key to Digital Transformation

Automation is no longer just about cutting costs. When employed well, it can generate new revenue and deliver superior customer experience. Watch this online discussion panel to learn how automation is helping businesses like yours drive a differentiated digital transformation strategy to increase efficiency and prepare for the future.

On this online discussion panel moderated by CTO Dan Ternes from Blue Prism, we have invited automation leaders across Asia Pacific from A.S. Watson, ASB, Forrester and Fonterra to talk about their automation journey and the future outlook for Intelligent Automation. Hear from them to understand:

  1. What is the Automation Fabric and why is it important
  2. Forrester's Prediction for 2022: Automation Powers Business Disruption
  3. For companies that are starting to look at automation, how should they start and what are the learnings the panellists are sharing from their experience
  4. How the panellists are layering different technologies and capabilities to make their automation smarter, to transform work at a higher level and solve business problems
  5. How to drive change internally, scaling your digital transformation from tactical to strategic


The automation fabric is your key to digital transformation's Speakers

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