The Manufacturing Skill Gap with Co-creation from a Human-digital Workforce

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IDC and BluePrism we will share insights about the current key business challenges in the manufacturing industry.

The manufacturing industry is exposed to a variety of challenges. There are still the negative impacts from the global Corona pandemic and some new impacts from the Russian invasion of the Ukraine. The later will also have severe impact on the global supply chains such as lack of significant raw material or key components. On top of having the need to make operations more resilient to any upcoming challenges, there are also evolving customer expectations or a lack of skills that manufacturing organizations have to tackle.

Recent IDC survey result from 430+ manufacturing organizations across Europe show among others that:

  • Only 40% consider themselves as mature and leading when it comes to initiatives related to supply chain transformation in order to make their supply chains more resilient.
  • Already 46% consider themselves as mature and leading when it comes to initiatives related to customer experience, which will be key to ensure long-term business growth.
  • 44% consider themselves as mature and leading when it comes to initiatives related to new ways of working, which will be key to address skill gaps.

Those survey results show that there is significant potential for manufacturing organizations to either progress or start planning initiatives in those areas.

Digital technologies will play a key role to enable manufacturing organizations to progress with the digital transformation of their operations.

In this webinar, you will learn from our presenters from IDC, BluePrism and Atlas Copco about the following topics:

  • Stefanie Naujoks, Research Director at IDC will present the current strategic business priorities of manufacturing organizations in Europe and will highlight some key drivers for IT investments as well as IT investment plans to support the execution of their strategic business priorities. Stefanie will also present some of the factors that impact IT investment plans of manufacturers and will outline the role of the different personas in the various lines of businesses.
  • Thomas Richter, Head of Industry, Manufacturing EMEA at BluePrism, will demonstrate how unifying the human and the digital workforce will enable manufacturing organizations to close current digital transformation execution gaps, resulting from a lack of human resources and skills that are needed to digitally transform operations and to ensure execution accordingly. He will demonstrate how current challenges related to digital transformation can be successfully addressed by intelligent co-creation between the human and the digital workforce.
  • Anna Rosentröm, Head of Smart Automation and Project Leader at Atlas Copco, will share some insights on the current status of their smart automation initiative for back-office processes using an agile project approach. She will share some lessons-learned around the need to permanently increase internal awareness to promote with success stories and the need to embrace scalability in a decentralized organization.

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