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Blog | Jun 27, 2022

Cloud Migration: The Journey from On-Premise to Cloud

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On-Premise to Cloud Migration

I love helping our customers take it to the next level by helping them transition from an on-premise implementation to a cloud strategy, encompassing our fully hosted, fully managed Blue Prism Cloud (BPC) service. This week, one of our clients has been making that transition so I thought I’d share a bit of that automation journey.

Having developed a strong and successful on-premise Blue Prism Enterprise-based capability over a couple of years, the customer was starting to find that they wanted to do more than just basic automation and needed to extend their capability. The pipeline of opportunities was starting to have more in the ‘hard-to-do’ pile, and more time managing existing automations was sapping their RPA team’s resources. They had the option to make use of the additional Blue Prism software suite by installing and configuring these additional features and software by extending their on-premise installation. However, IT resources being tight and focused on an ERP re-platforming project, as well as the ever-expanding day to day requirements, meant this could be an unwanted additional demand on those resources. It was the same constraints on IT resources which was also slowing down upgrades (meaning they were not getting the latest and greatest features in the core Blue Prism Enterprise Automation software), scaling and troubleshooting of their existing implementation.

Having discussed options with the client they recognized the value of moving to Blue Prism Cloud, where Blue Prism takes care of the hosting, the installation and configuration, the scaling and upgrades of the full Blue Prism suite, allowing them to focus on using the platform, including all the capabilities, not just the core functionality. 

This will enable them to:

  • Automate more
  • Automate faster
  • Operate the automations more efficiently

It was a key enabler to them delivering more value into their organization.

As ever, with any change there are questions to be answered and checks to be validated, such as a strong Data Protection Impact Assessment to answer the concern about operating automations in the cloud. 

We were of course only too happy to help with this, ensuring the InfoSec team were comfortable with:

  • Cloud Security
  • Platform controls 
  • Best practices use

Having such a capable and secure platform like BPC means these concerns are not an obstacle but a chance for us to win the hearts and minds of customers, so taking the time to explain this is really important to us and the organization.

Completing the IA & RPA Platform Migration 

With a fully engaged RPA team, their IT team and their top-level executive sponsor onboard, it’s now full steam ahead to complete the platform setup and configuration and then the migration of existing automations to the new environment. The RPA Centre of Excellence team are already excitedly reviewing their organization’s pipeline of activities and automation requests based on the wider set of functionality and capability the Blue Prism Cloud platform is offering. It will soon be building new automations to take full advantage of these such as human in the loop and optical character recognition (OCR) data extraction to name a few.

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