
EMEA Lunch and Learn - The Art of Maintenance

In this session, we’ll show you how to embed maintenance as a foundation of your intelligent automation program, and how to bring everyone on board with this mission.

We’ll discuss:

• Why operational “chores” are key to value generation
• How to make sure platform upkeep has the right priority in your program
• The things to consider as you stand up or review your maintenance strategy
• Our recommendations and best practices to stop running to a standstill

Why Housekeeping Is Essential to Automation Success

What isn’t operating, isn’t working. That’s why operational maintenance is essential for your automation program. You can have the best automations in the world, but if your automation infrastructure is not functioning properly, you won’t achieve your goals. Operational upkeep is like ensuring the structural integrity of your automations, and it requires the involvement and alignment of all stakeholders.

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Alizée Levavasseur

Senior Customer Success Manager, SS&C Blue Prism

John Mackey

Customer Success Director, SS&C Blue Prism

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